Magneto's Ray

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Is Today Boring?Of course other bizarre things!

Why yes it is boring!I sit here impatiently, then I ponder for a while.Thinking what to do sometimes it dosn't work!If the day was not meant for you, sleep it out seriously!
The time goes slower and slower until you know it, your right back at where you started in the morning, to hear this!Hunny!It's time to get up...!Do I have to?Yes get up now!Okay!Okay!
Seriously, it is very annoying!Therefore I say,"You got to do it you can, a little harder Every day!''To where you get to the point, where you say," Yeah!Let's get it over with!''

To all the people who went camping, was it just plain fun?There you you tell me, "you ought to join!'' Well days like this I do not want to join, yet!Give me my whittle blanket, so I can just sit in the heat! This weather is tearing me apart!Then again I do not miss the sweltering heat, it just is not fair. I wonder how hot it is going to be in the summer, do you know what I say to that,"Give me the AC!Just don't sit their, crank it up, up ,up no your going to high, awawawawawawawawawawawawawa!I am going to freeze me whittle backbone off!Yeah!Never mind.This is what I meant, by when your bord!Just plain bord!

Did every body enjoy themselves at basketball, well I sure did!Now I got to be honest John with you!I d-i-d n-o-t l-i-k-e slipping on the cold and dirty floor, it was so cruel of bree!I felt my skin go crack, crack, crack!It was not right!Why!Why!Why!I was so sore!Though I got up , and went on to the victory goal, it was so painful!Let me have some time to wheep! 1 hour later!I'm not done yet, leave alone! 2 hours later!Well umm. I had to get that off my scared, but frighten chest!
Though mentally and physically, I will try to go through life scared and afraid of girls like bree! Trying to hurt little boys like me, while they run freakishly, because they were already hurt and deformed by bree!Yes! It is a scary world, but I will try to live in this cold and freakish world as long as I can!Unless if I get beat up by bree again!Oh, well I will try to survive, someway, somewhere, and somehow!"That is all...!''

P.S. Watch out for her sweep, it is horrifying!"The sweep of death...!''
Ouch!Sniff!Sniff!Please I did not mean it bree!AAWWWW!


Thursday, February 16, 2006


To clearify my post, there was this annoying big man that was sitting behind me!
"He was blowing on me, and bumping me behind the neck, with his knee...!''
It really started to get irritating, as well.That is why I said, I fell beneath my seat unconsious.
I believe you got the rest!


Monday, February 13, 2006

My Blown out Ears

The concert was very awsome.Everybody loved the Casting Crowns, la, la, la, la, la, la, la!!!

Though people do not realize, that they were really loud.Especially the odd balls behind and in front, they were a menace.
The reason why I am now deaf, is because I am a follower to everyone else.
I put my hands 6 feet under, before I realize that their are bad and good followers everywhere.
People know who I am, they know where I exist.Though the reasons to follow people, I do not know everyone is watching! Everone is here...!"Brandon with his owwwowww, it was awsome though it was a code, I fell beneath my seat, hitting my head on concrete, I know everyone is watching me this I know is true..."Boom!The bald head of wonder shoock our seats, I looked up and saw plaster falling, there was a few seconds to this I know.Before I knew it, I was bleeding, pleading, and screaming this I know you saw me.To everyone who knows me, this I say to you, leave me alone, leave me alone, leave me alone!!!That was all I heard before I knew you existed.Who is this you wonder?It Is NON OF YOUR BUSINESS...!To this I know you would not believe.There I am standing before you, but you would not believe me, it was my Blown Out Ears hearing lies!See I knew you would not believe."So why do I even try...!"

P.S. It is true for a second. My friends the ears of mine, Where called Mr. Blown out Ears!Tis I know is true.


Tuesday, February 07, 2006


I fineally go =t my costume in the mail yesterday.
It is very cheap, but it looks really neat.
When I put it on I was taken over by it's charm.
Though the mesh was hanging over my printed emblem, I staired in shock.
It took me over, and who am I, "I'm a Knight!''

Though I thought a Knight was so cool, barely did realize that I had become a fierce warrior, with fat hands to cover my sword.
It really freaked me out, even though I go through deserted lands I always look down and see my big hands.
So see kids do not wish you could be a knight, because you could be transformed with fat hands.
I am what I am...!

P.S. J.C. girl, I work at the Dougalss Trading Post.


Thursday, February 02, 2006

What I experienced at work

one day I got up and did my homework then went to work.
I checked in and fed the animals, while grabbing the bucket I headed towards the sheep and said, "Oh, my.......................................''! Ran to my boss and told him a baby sheep was born dead.
Hitherto, I had to deliver two more sheep, with the help of my boss of course.
Later on the next 5 minutes, I was shot in the...!oooops. That was a different story back to the newborns.The next 5 min, was a disaster the other baby sheep were dead also.
Therefore I had failed my mission as Kight of valor, " No................!''
Yes, it was sad I had failed, No the baby sheep where already dead inside the mother, therefore it was a misscariage!
Where will the bad days stop...!''

P.S. That is all! Post if you must...!
